Bible to All
Troms & finnmark
No book has affected nations, cultures, families and individuals more than the Bible. That is why we have taken on the goal of offering it free of charge to every home in Norway. This is part of a desire to touch the whole of Norway with the word of God in connection with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. During that time, the word of God came to many of Europe's homes in their own language for the first time, laying a foundation of Christian values that has lasted through the centuries and characterized our societies and lives.
The Bible is the world's most read book. Nonetheless, for many Norwegians it remains unopened and unread. It is our goal to share the Bible in a way that is relevant and compelling to people in Norway.
Would you like to give a gift to the Bible to All campaign?
A Bible costs 40 kroner
10 Bibles = 400 kroner
25 Bibles = 1000 kroner
50 Bibles = 2000 kroner
There are two ways to give. (Write in: BTA)
1. Vipps No. 12108 YWAM Borgen
2. Account No. 3000.14.99056
Bible to All troms
The Bible to All campaign in Troms is an interdenominational effort. Most Christian churches in the county are unified in the desire to engage in Bible distribution and the revitalization of the Bible engagement. Work is also underway to set up various events in the municipalities following the Bible distribution.
So far the Bible has been distributed in 13 municipalities; Kvænangen, Nordreisa, Kåfjord, Storfjord, Balsfjord, Lyngen, Skjervøy, Karlsøy, Berg, Torsken, Tranøy, Lenvik and Dyrøy. The next Bible distribution will take place in Fall 2020. If you would like to join us in distributing Bibles, feel free to contact us!
Contact Information:
Phone: 777 14 562
bible to All Finnmark
In October 2014, Youth With A Mission, together with local churches and partners, visited every home in Finnmark County and offered a Bible along with material about how to read it. The goal of Bible to All is to revitalize Bible engagement so that the Bible is read by both active churchgoers and others. We want to eradicate "Bible poverty". A survey done before the Finnmark campaign indicated that 39% of the population in the county did not have a Bible at home. Together with local churches, we have distributed approx. 22,000 Bibles in Finnmark. Every home was visited and offered a Bible. If nobody was home, we tried to visit the home again, or leave a greeting with instructions on what to do to get a Bible. The experiences were tremendously positive. All citizens were informed about the campaign ahead of time and several were actively searching for distributors in the streets to obtain a Bible. They were afraid they would be overlooked or not home when they arrived. Giving away a Bible that is received with joy and gratitude was a very positive experience for those who participated in the campaign. They were thrilled to be involved in such a historic event with so much great feedback.