Emergency Aid For Roma People in Bulgaria


YWAM Borgen and Trondheim Frikirke are cooperating to send emergency aid to the Roma people in Bulgaria


To start off, the help will be focused on a ghetto in Sofia that the local church Amazing Graze has given aid to in recent years. Individual people in Trondheim Frikrike have also been supporting the work there for about 3 years. Due to the Corona crisis the need has greatly increased and because of this we wish to increase our aid and invite more people to join in helping.

Distribution of food and medicine is organized and lead by local pastor Anton Chinkov, all support will go directly to this. 

No One Can Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone

Contact person in Trondheim Frikirke
Lars Mjølhus 
Email: lars@mjolhus.com
Mobil: 95766127

Contact person in YWAM Borgen:
Leif Braathen 
Email: borgen.leif@gmail.com
Mobil: 91305660


How Can You Give?

Account Number: 3000 14 99056
Vipps: 624016
Mark with: “Help Gypsies Bulgaria”
If you want tax-deduction you can send us your norwegian personal number