Where to find us
YWAM Borgen is located in Storfjord commune which borders to Sweden and Finland. This is the northernmost three-country border in the world. We are surrounded by beautiful mountains overlooking the Arctic fjord and the so-called Lyngen Alps. Tromsø is our city with 75.000 inhabitants. It takes about 75 minutes to drive from Borgen to Tromsø and approx. 50 minutes to Finland. We are located 1300 km from Helsinki, 1400 km from Saint Petersburg, 1500 km from Stockholm and 1650 km from Oslo.
Ungdom i Oppdrag Borgen
Larsvollen 6
9046 Oteren
Phone: +47 973 41 130
Monday – Friday: 10AM – 4PM
General Email: info@uioborgen.no
DTS Email: dts@uioborgen.no