We are a non-profit, volunteer based organization. You can help us continue our mission to make God known to the world by giving here. 

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If you would like to donate to YWAM Borgen or a specific project, you may do so using Vipps. Our account number is: 667906.

*Make sure to include the name of the specific project you want to donate to. 

Thank you for your partnership! May you and your gift be blessed

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Do you want to support YWAM Borgen? Become a partner here.

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Want to see how much you have given to YWAM Norway and manage your support?

Bank information

Bank info: 
Youth with a mission Borgen
9046 Oteren

Bank name: 
Sparebanken sør
postboks 200
4662 Kristiansand


Account number: 30001499056
Iban NO20 30001499056
swift/bic SPSONO22